Monday, April 14, 2014

Trev: Episode 12

A woman in Utah kills seven children, a teen Tweets a terrorist threat to American Airlines and they respond, Kate Upton wants smaller boobs and Trev explains why his eight month relationship almost came to an end last night as well as how he got stranded in a Walmart parking lot, high, at two in the morning. Also, the show gets another passionate fan who feverishly took to the comments section of the YouTube channel.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Trev: Episode 11

Tev takes the first portion of the show to read some YouTube reactions to David Letterman's announcement of retiring. Then he discusses a very interesting 'MILF' porno he watched last night. 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier's' record breaking numbers, Afghanistan's election, Microsoft's latest Windows update, and the latest on NSA spying are all trending (CBS' top choice to replace David Letterman is Stephen Colbert. This was teased at the beginning of the show but Trev forgot to mention it.). The second installment of 'Courtney's Playlist' ends the show and goes much smoother than the first installment.